What's my basic objective as an affiliate marketer?
There are 7 Golden Rules of Marketing!
Learn about actions to win over your clientele, the marketing action instruments, and, of course, know the rules to follow in this game.
According to Kotler “Without a customer, there is no business“ and that seems quite acceptable. The primary objective of a company must be to attract and maintain satisfied customers, who can pay for the products purchased and continue to buy.
Every company dreams of gaining customer loyalty, who, in addition to buying, also publicize the company, recommending it to friends and family. However, this does not happen by chance, it is necessary to know the expectations, desires, and needs of consumers in the market where the company operates.
In general, it is necessary to know the potential of the market, understand the behavior of consumers, produce and offer solutions for the real pains of the target audience, with fair prices, offer quality service and sales, and always try to overcome the general conditions. of competitors.
Marketing as an aggregating area
Marketing is part of an entire business system, not an isolated sector. Therefore, its integration with all other areas speeds up the process of understanding what will be delivered to the final customer, taking care of everything from product quality to delivery and measuring satisfaction levels.
As a driving force for business results, it is crucial to observe golden rules so that the marketing plan is effective and effective.
Interact with your customers
The new customer is not just a consumer of information and products; he interacts with other consumers, sharing his experiences and frustrations, putting the names of brands in the spotlight, and exposing the competencies and incapacities of his suppliers.
At this moment, marketing is strategic, and having good positioning in search engines and an interaction platform (social networks and website) is a differential for a relationship with the target audience.
What is not recorded is not measured
In times of Big Data, information is abundantly available for research, however, records of how your audience is interacting with your brand and products, as well as their opinions, is something precious for specific actions to search for new customers. , maintenance, and loyalty, as well as the measurement of results.
Watch your competitors and take advantage
Your competitors are not just direct opponents in this business arena, they can be a source of hits and misses within the market. In marketing, actions are constant and disruptive, that is, nothing is eternal and changes according to consumer behavior. Always be ready to change, innovate, create and follow trends in the environment.
Be bold, though, with planning
With so much competition, being bold impacts both the market and customer impressions. Plan actions and after executing them observe the results, promote adjustments, be agile and gain an advantage over the competition.
Those who do not plan and measure performance do not manage. And the formula for the premature death of small businesses is a lack of management. Change this reality and escape negative statistics. Success awaits you!
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